Written by: Dr Slobodan Kotlayic
One more music festival in Europe sold out this year. People who follow hardcore punk music surely knows, but this is about the Dutch Revolution Calling festival, which is traditionally organised every year in the Klokgebouw in Eidhoven, Holland. Ticket prices this year were very decent considering the quality of the 29 bands that will perform on November 23, 2024. on all 3 stages of this festival. The tickets sold out at prices of 55e, 59e and 64e + 3.5e taxes and they all sold out couple of days a go and at the moment there may be some ticket in Core Tex only, but you have to be quick to get it came to that ticket. It was earlier also, but we could say that there has never been a bigger interest for this music festival, because the organizers of the Revolution Calling festival are preparing the loudest indoor hardcore punk party in Europe. Most of the best bands of the hardcore punk scene has to offer at the moment and they will seriously rocks the Klokgebouw in Eindhoven. These are bands you haven’t seen in a long time and bands you won’t see anywhere but at the Revolution Calling festival 2024. No barriers, with stage diving, crowd surfing, floating, circle-pit, pogo and everything that we are all used to at similar concerts and festivals. This year’s Revolution Calling will be a tribute to Raymond James “Raybeez” Barbieri, never forgotten singer of the band Warzone, who died in 1997. from pneumonia, so this time a banner will be placed at the entrance of Revolution Calling 2024 with some people who are no longer with us, important to world of hardcore and the memory of all of them will not fade.

This year is amazing line-up: Biohazard (1988 lineup playing their NYHC classics – No Barriers show), the Godfathers of NYHC Agnostic Front (playing 40 years of Victim in Pain album), Unbroken (celebrating 30 years of LIFE.LOVE.REGRET album), CIV (exclusive performance), The Exploited, Comeback Kid, Judge, No Turning Back, Lion’s Law, All Out War (EU exclusive 2024), the Godfathers of H8000 Congress (Dutch exclusive 2024), Integrity, The Godfathers of Beatdown Hardcore Bulldoze (EU exclusive 2024), Murphy’s Law , Undying, Worst Doubt, Reproach, Hardsell, AllFor Nothing, Prowl, Violent Way, Headbussa, Hetze, Cran, Schedule 1, Swell, Bullbar, Eyesores, will waiting for you at the Revolution Calling 2024 festival.
If you already bought the tickets and really a lot of reasons to be at the Klokgebouw in Eidhoven, November, 23. 2024.